Monday, December 22, 2008

Rio de Janeiro

Chuck went to Rio a while back for a training for home missionaries with the Brazilian Baptist Convention. Here are some pics of beautiful Rio...

Surfboard Shopping

Being that we now live near the beach for the first time in our lives, Chuck has taken up surfing. So, the girls and I have decided that daddy needs a cool surfboard. So, last week, the whole family went surfboard shopping, take a look...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Care Packages

We've received several care packages during our time here so far! We GREATLY appreciate each one! What a blessing! It is so encouraging to know that ya'll are thinking about us & praying for us! I just happened to have the camera in hand to capture the opening of our most recent care package.

THANK YOU to each of you who have mailed us a care package, we're sending you each a hug from Guaruja!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chuck's Trip to Ouro Preto

In September, Chuck went to Ouro Preto (Black Gold). Chuck went to see how fellow IMB missionary, David Bledsoe, handled mission teams from the States. His mom also came down on that mission trip and then stayed a bit longer with us afterward. Here are some pics from that trip...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ferry Boat Rides

We live on the island of Guaruja. We often travel over to Santos or Bertioga and take the Ferry Boat! The girls always want to get out and see the water. This day, since MawMaw was visiting, so we took pictures and here they are..

My little Portuguese speakers

I can't always get the girls to speak Portuguese on "cue" when we talk to the family back in the USA on SKYPE, but this day, they were willing.

(I'm asking Hope to tell me what she is doing. She's telling me she is painting. Then I ask her what colors she wants and she tells me white and red - more or less - I'm still learning too and in fact, they will often correct my pronunciation or vocabulary - go figure!)


Isabela Grace said Mama 1st, then Dadda, Hope, and Abigail. Next came "aqua" then "obrigada" (thank you). She likes coffee, staying up late, and Bossa Nova music and naps! She is definitely our little Brazilian baby!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Random Family Moments

Here are some random fun moments captured by our I-Camera on the Apple Laptop!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

2nd Phase Language Learning Activity

I've graduated to "Phase 2" in language learning. One activity I have to do is to accumulate 10 different recipies from Brazilian friends. Yesterday, our friends MariAngela and her husband Everaldo adpoted us for the day. We went to a parade for the Brazilian Independence Day, had a wonderful lunch, hung out with the extended family, went shopping, and made a cake! It was great for my Portuguese and the cake turned out good too!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I just thought this was a cute picture of Gracie - then it dawned on me that I often seem to have the same expression when I don't understand what is being said to me in Portuguese!

With Our Professors

Here we are our professors, Cida & Rui Rix.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barbie Butterfly Birthday

Abigail recently had a birthday and we celebrated with several friends! Here's a pic of the birthday girl and her new "Barbie Butterfly" costume from MawMaw!


Abigail is getting better at sharing! This day in particular she decided to share her treat with Gracie!

Care Packages

We all love to receive care packages! Recently MawMaw & Papa and Grand & Patriarch sent the girls some "Birthday Boxes". Hope and Abigail loved it and even had fun for days afterwards playing with THE BOX!!! They decorated it with necklaces and stickers and colored it! THE BOX!!! Of course they liked what was IN the box as well, but they have really enjoyed THE BOX itself!

Daddy & Gracie

Daddy has a spot just for Gracie. She likes to sleep in it while he works at the computer!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Congregation of Pereque

The congregation at Pereque is a church-start by another existing Baptist church in Guaurja. Please pray for this church to reach out to the communitry of Pereque, for their safety, and for their newly married pastor, Evandro, and his wife, Marcione.

21st Century Kid

Hope recently caught our attention when she said...

Hey Look, I'm an e-mail with an attatchment!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Churraso (Brazilian Cookout)

Recently we went to a Brazilian Cookout at the girls school. Brazilians love the churrasco (the way to grill out meat over hot coals) - really good. Typically you have side dishes of rice, beans, farofa & salada. It's really good!!! And as you can see the girls really liked it too!

Litoral Paulista

Litoral Paulista
Where we live

Who are we?