Thursday, April 3, 2008


Last week fellow missionaries babysat Hope and Abigail. They took them to Tae-Kwan-Do with their kids. Hope was so excited - she kept saying, "Mom - we went to COOKIE DOUGH!"

The teacher even showed the girls how to practice kicking the play turtle. They enjoyrd learning cookie dough!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Isabela is a popular name here

Our friends Guto and Melissa were some of the first people who befriended us here in our neighborhood in Campinas. We've really enjoyed each other's company this past year. And Allison and Melissa both had babies named Isabela.

Melissa and her daughter Isabela and Allison and our daughter Isabela. Our Isabela is about 2 months older.

Melissa's husband, Guto with MY Isabela.

My girls - Abigail and Hope with THEIR Isabela.

We're Moving

We're very excited to be moving to our field of ministry.

Here are some pictures of the trip we took last week to sign the documents on our new apartment.

We're looking forward to all the ministry opportunities we'll have here.

Most people live in high-rise apartment buildings here. It's quite a difference from the suburbs we both grew up in.

Here's our friend Vivi holding Gracie.

Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build My church." Please pray that He would use our family to bring people living in the Baixada Santista area to Him.

Easter Pix

He is Risen!!! He is Risen Indeed!!!
That's why we're here.
Here are the girls on Easter morning.



Well - we're true blue Memphis Tiger fans (as University of Memphis Alumni) and new missionary Paul Cunninham - from Southaven, MS is a Mississippi State fan.

So - we all went over to their house to watch the game Memphis vs. Miss. State in basketball last week.

Here is the AFTER THE GAME photo!

We've really had a lot of fun together the few weeks we've spent with the Cunninghams here in language school. Please continue to pray for Paul, Keri, Katie, Preston, Pierce, and Payton during their time in Campinas for language study.

And here we are before the game - all of us sporting our Memphis Tiger wear. This was taken in front of the Cunninghams gate - and we all thought it looked neat because it kind of reminded us of standing in front of the gate at Graceland!!! (only...that was several years ago...and before we had kids...and the gate has no musical notes on it...but ya know, anything to remind us of home ;)

Litoral Paulista

Litoral Paulista
Where we live

Who are we?