Well - we're true blue Memphis Tiger fans (as University of Memphis Alumni) and new missionary Paul Cunninham - from Southaven, MS is a Mississippi State fan.
So - we all went over to their house to watch the game Memphis vs. Miss. State in basketball last week.
Here is the AFTER THE GAME photo!
We've really had a lot of fun together the few weeks we've spent with the Cunninghams here in language school. Please continue to pray for Paul, Keri, Katie, Preston, Pierce, and Payton during their time in Campinas for language study.
And here we are before the game - all of us sporting our Memphis Tiger wear. This was taken in front of the Cunninghams gate - and we all thought it looked neat because it kind of reminded us of standing in front of the gate at Graceland!!! (only...that was several years ago...and before we had kids...and the gate has no musical notes on it...but ya know, anything to remind us of home ;)